Matt's Corner

Project 365, April 4th-5th

92/365: Machismo

& this is what happens to our cinder block wall when he misses….

93/365: Happy Birthday Friend

94/365: @ RMG

The fitting conclusion of the book of James, as the epistle’s primary objective is to confront those who possessed false, dead faith; to call professed believer to examine their faith and make sure it is real…

…because real faith will work itself out in your life....

P.S. Did you notice here, that he does not end by calling the unsaved to salvation, but by calling believers to evangelize to the unsaved in the church?

95/365: A toe-up @ dusk on the patio with my love

96/365: Slow Down

Here is my prayer-filled reminder, scribbled with colored chalk on a single front porch planter... 

Slow down.  Pay attention to that which surrounds me.  Breathe in His beauty.  Soak up His good, good gifts.  Ignore petty inconveniences.  Create something to savor.  Just, slow down.

1 comment:

Carri Roman said...

My middle son would die for a bow like that! One day! He doesn't have the build or the power yet. :))