Matt's Corner

Mystery Night 2010 :)

Mystery Night 2010 =

Crazy costumes, riddles, random locations, speeding mini-vans, laughter, outrageous tasks, a little friendly competition & Christ preached to over 200 kids J

This year Mark and Matt teamed up as the legendary Mario and Luigi duo; while Kari, Shelby and I taught all 37 teams the “Hoedown Throwdown” in our Hannah Montana get-up (if I never hear that song again => J)! There were many hysterical costumes… like Niki as the chef who kept resting her arms on her big belly, or Dan as Hulk Hogan, or Shawn and Traci with full sleeve tattoos….many, many laughs!

One of my favorite moments that night had to be around 12:30am… we had just bid farewell to our counterparts at Denny’s and decided to take Clinton Keith home. Long story short, there’s a “sobriety checkpointbarricade. We pull up and hand over our license and registration; whereupon the officer looks Matt up and down twice then rudely asks “What are you wearing?”

So what did we do? We called Hulk and told him to take Clinton Keith home…

1 comment:

Beth P said...

FANTASTIC costumes! I wish I was there to get down with the Montana team!