Matt's Corner

Daily Tide12.19: Matt & Me :)

It was a great week.

Indulging in

anniversary festivities,

 in six days of anniversary festivities…

Spoiling ourselves with lingering lounges under piles of covers

while the rain pours down outside…

In unhurried conversation

Reminiscing a few favorite memories together

We are blessed…

Beyond measure, in fact…

It feels like we’ve already shared a lifetime of insanely amazing times together…

in piles of adventure…

We’ve visited beautiful places, taken incredible vacations…

We’ve loved fiercely.

Six years together has given us a lot to be thankful for…

At the same time, it feels like just yesterday I was putting on that white wedding dress…

& running up the walkway to see him…

If a highlight reel from my life was played,

that moment would be on it.

I could not wait to marry Matt…

I knew the best days of my life were in front of us…

Becoming Mrs. Matthew Mueller marked one of my life’s greatest and most blessed adventures…

I knew six years ago that Matt was the one...

I had a thousand reasons why…

  I knew that I loved him…

But perhaps I was too young, or perhaps too crazy in love, to really see how really amazing he is…

I tried explaining this to him this past week…

That he has rocked my world…

Made my life better…

Made me better…

That life with him is better than I ever thought it would be…

That he’s given me a million more reasons to add to my list of why…

I love him…

He is easy to love…

Perfect for me

I love him more today…

That will be true today, tomorrow and the next…

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