Matt's Corner

Daily Tide 12.10: Brick Porch... Day Three

Last Saturday the weather was just lovely.  Exactly what Danielle believes a southern California winter should be... upper 60's & sunny :) Lovely.  The sunshine had me eager to put my elf hat on; to get our there with my amazing husband and help finish what will be a splendid brick porch. 
We made quite the dent in our stack of bricks... But whatever will we do with the leftovers... hhhmmm... the possibilities :) 
We made lots of progress... 
And then, with 3 feet left to go, we ran out of mortar... :/ 
Isn't that how projects go?  You can see the finish line... you're almost there... then... you run out of that last necessary bit of supply and are forced to stop...  You look at the clock and immediately start calculating if you have enough time to rush to Lowes, checkout, rush home, mix and finish before the sun sets...
It happens to us all the time... 

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