Matt's Corner

Christmas 2010 :)

Twas Saturday morning Christmas, and all through the house,
Brilliant rays of sunshine purged away our drowse,
Our beloved family together, something’s in the air; yes, that’s it… so much warmth and care,
All are ready, for our family breakfast affair.

It’s our first year at home, this won’t be dull,
Gathered around the table, stuffing our bellies oh so full,
Till the time has come, for Matt’s new tradition,
Competing on the Wii, vying for top present-opening position.

The competition tough, archery, golf, and sword-fighting,
Next time you know, to be quick like lightening,
(But of course) the boys are set to open first,
Chris’s first three presents, were definitely the worst.

I’ve never laughed so hard, in all my life,
Just remember, it was from your wife,
The POO-lar-bear present, which does what you think,
After eating his dinner… out it comes, dink!

Thank you for your abundant kindness, so many wonderful gifts,
Load them up on the new beach cart; it’s ready to lift,
Now head for the ocean, it’s our favorite place,
To walk along the sand, at a casual pace.

Our annual Christmas tradition, a stroll down the pier,
So blessed we are, to we have the ocean so near,
Admiring the beauty, of God’s great creation,
Remembering WHY we have Christmas, fills my heart with elation.

There we were, staring out over the dock,
Below, the lovely whisper of water, swelling against the rocks,
Till evening fell and it was time to go,
Nope, I don’t miss living in the snow.

Now at the parents, eating turkey dinner,
Thankful CHRIST came to save us, once enslaved sinners,
This day is special and there’s one thing you should know,
God made a way for us, because He loves us so.


lisa g. said...

danielle, i just caught up on your last few posts. I love you way of decorating! The lockers are awesome. Also, keep writing. You have a gift. Happy New Year!

Miller Family said...

Happy New Year Muellers! Hope to get together with you this New year!! HA! :)

debbie rothaus said...

I love that I can feel like I'm with you even though miles apart. By the way the snow misses you :(
Happy New Year!!
We will see you soon!
lots of love

p.s your new camera takes great photos

Unknown said...

happy new year - love this post! you should be a writer!!! i wish I could hire you for my family :)

and awesome photos by the way